Growing in Faith and Serving God

Sunday School:
  1. meets almost every Sunday between Labor Day and Memorial Day
  2. meets at 10:15 (after the worship service) in the school
  3. open to children ages 3 through 8th grade
Sunday Adult Bible Class:
  1. meets almost every Sunday between Labor Day and Memorial Day
  2. meets at 10:15 (after the worship service) in the church basement
  3. special summer classes held; call for schedule
  4. open to all
Wednesday Adult Bible Class:
  1. meets most Wednesdays of the year, except during the season of Lent
  2. meets at 4:00 p.m. in the school conference room
  3. open to all
  4. different topics covered throughout the year
Adult Handbell Choir:
  1. meets Thursday evenings from September through May at 6:00 p.m.
  2. director:  Donna Sternitzky
Adult Choir: 
  1. meets Thursday evenings from September through May at 7:00 p.m.
  2. anyone who loves to sing is welcome to come
  3. director:  Ashley Leiterman
Living Stones Youth Group:
  1. call the church office for meeting schedule
  2. meant for teens in grades 8-12
  3. youth leader:  Linda Biebert
Altar Guild:
  1. rotating teams decorate the altar area every Sunday
  2. special decorating done during holiday seasons
  3. open to anyone
  4. director:  Charlene Siebert
  1. sponsors various activities throughout the year
  2. any men or ladies of the congregation are invited to participate in group activities
  1. meets the third Monday of the month September through May at 6:30 p.m.
  2. basic focus of the group is inreach to our congregation
  3. Ladies’ Inreach Group for Help Teaching and Strengthening
  4. open to all ladies of the congregation
  5. president:  Eileen Bell
Friends of St. John’s
  1. meets the second Wednesday of September, January, and May at 6:00 p.m. in the school gym
  2. any “friends” of our church & school welcome; mostly meant for parents of students attending our Lutheran Elementary School
Visitation Teams:
  1. twelve teams of three or four people each
  2. visit our shut-in members on a rotating basis throughout the year
  3. open to anyone
  1. set up in teams
  2. greet worshippers as they enter church
  3. serve on a rotating basis throughout the year
  4. open to anyone
  5. coordinator:  Rex Roehl
  1. set up in teams
  2. hand out bulletins, take care of offering, direct those going to communion, help to make sure worship service runs smoothly
  3. open to all confirmed males
  4. coordinator:  Rex Roehl
Video Tapers:
  1. video-tape our worship service on Sundays and special services
  2. set the tapes up to air on Cable for our shut-in members and the community
  3. serve on a rotating basis
  4. open to anyone
  5. coordinator:  Bob Cords