Sunday School:
- meets almost every Sunday between Labor Day and Memorial Day
- meets at 10:15 (after the worship service) in the school
- open to children ages 3 through 8th grade
Sunday Adult Bible Class:
- meets almost every Sunday between Labor Day and Memorial Day
- meets at 10:15 (after the worship service) in the church basement
- special summer classes held; call for schedule
- open to all
Wednesday Adult Bible Class:
- meets most Wednesdays of the year, except during the season of Lent
- meets at 4:00 p.m. in the school conference room
- open to all
- different topics covered throughout the year
Adult Handbell Choir:
- meets Thursday evenings from September through May at 6:00 p.m.
- director: Donna Sternitzky
Adult Choir:
- meets Thursday evenings from September through May at 7:00 p.m.
- anyone who loves to sing is welcome to come
- director: Ashley Leiterman
Living Stones Youth Group:
- call the church office for meeting schedule
- meant for teens in grades 8-12
- youth leader: Linda Biebert
Altar Guild:
- rotating teams decorate the altar area every Sunday
- special decorating done during holiday seasons
- open to anyone
- director: Charlene Siebert
- sponsors various activities throughout the year
- any men or ladies of the congregation are invited to participate in group activities
- meets the third Monday of the month September through May at 6:30 p.m.
- basic focus of the group is inreach to our congregation
- Ladies’ Inreach Group for Help Teaching and Strengthening
- open to all ladies of the congregation
- president: Eileen Bell
Friends of St. John’s
- meets the second Wednesday of September, January, and May at 6:00 p.m. in the school gym
- any “friends” of our church & school welcome; mostly meant for parents of students attending our Lutheran Elementary School
Visitation Teams:
- twelve teams of three or four people each
- visit our shut-in members on a rotating basis throughout the year
- open to anyone
- set up in teams
- greet worshippers as they enter church
- serve on a rotating basis throughout the year
- open to anyone
- coordinator: Rex Roehl
- set up in teams
- hand out bulletins, take care of offering, direct those going to communion, help to make sure worship service runs smoothly
- open to all confirmed males
- coordinator: Rex Roehl
Video Tapers:
- video-tape our worship service on Sundays and special services
- set the tapes up to air on Cable for our shut-in members and the community
- serve on a rotating basis
- open to anyone
- coordinator: Bob Cords